
First, let me tell you what it’s not. It’s not about everyone dressed up in matching outfits, perfectly posed, looking straight into the camera with big staged smiles. – There’s nothing wrong with the traditional way of taking portrait photos. But when you look back at these pictures, what do you remember about your life at this point in time? Which part of you, or your kids’ personality came through?
As a mother, I know that each child is unique. Each family is unique. And our real life cannot be further from what’s portrayed in these “perfect” pictures。
Now, let’s sit back and look at your life as is. Which moment do you love? What do you want to remember? Maybe it’s the curve of your daughter’s lips when she is giggling. The naughty little lock of hair that always stands up straight on your boy’s forehead. The way the kids run to your husband when he comes home from work. A silly little game that never fails to makes your kids laugh. To me, these are priceless. We are missing out so much by leaving these important memories out of our family album, possibly lost and forgotten.
Please let me help your family tell the incredible story you have already so beautifully written. For you, for your children, and for their children. The laughter, the tears, the hugs, the crazy, the joy, the chaos…the love that shines through the everyday. Nothing is more important than documenting this, because many years from now, you’ll be able to walk right through these images to land at this very moment in time, and remember all these little lovely details that make you “you”.
Let me tell your story and show you the beauty of the everyday.

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